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The Role of a Hospice Volunteer

Heritage Hospice utilizes trained volunteers to supplement the care provided by staff to hospice patients and their families.

“Volunteers are love in motion!”
~ Author unknown

The responsibilities of a Heritage Hospice volunteer may include things like:

  • Conduct friendly visits to support the entire family and reduce isolation
  • Give family caregivers a welcome break to run errands or just relax
  • Perform small homemaking tasks
  • Run errands such as shopping
  • Assist with writing letters
  • Read to patients
  • Provide hair care, manicures, or massages
  • Make phone calls during final hours of support.

“Volunteers are unpaid not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.”
~ Author unknown

Heritage Hospice

1202 W. Buena Vista Road
Evansville, IN 47710


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Hospice Circle of Care

Hear from Some of Our Volunteers

“The reason I volunteer at Heritage Hospice is because I can see the joy it brings the patients. The giving of my time is a blessing to me as well. They say you cannot out give God; I found this to be so true after a visit. I can feel the joy and inner peace it brings me knowing I’m doing His will by serving others.” 

Tom B.

“I became a volunteer for Heritage Hospice to enrich the lives of patients and to give back. It’s a wonderful feeling to help someone not only feel good, but to look good as well. Part of feeling good is looking good.  I think it’s great to have a skill that I can use to help those that are potentially home-bound, bed-bound, or in a long-term care facility. I really enjoy spending time with the patients, getting to know them and their life stories. The patients are always so thankful after their hair is finished.” 

Kyle M.

“My mother and my mother-in-law both were on Hospice care and I appreciated it so much. I found myself being called to help the elderly, and Hospice seemed the natural fit. I had been looking into it when it showed up in my church bulletin. If that’s not a sign, what is.”    

Yvonne W.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer training is available year-round!
  • Contact Schmia Parm at 812-475-9712

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Volunteer Visit Form